Special Mentions


A Different Kind of Trash Talk (USA) Dir: Patricia A Burke

A Lasting First Impression (USA) Dir: Christopher James Gaunt

A lonely spirit of plant (Italy) Dir: Monica Ravalico

A Pilgrimage Into Tibet (Australia) Dir: Mark Gould

A Stranger at the Funeral (Peru) Dir: Ana Maria Estrada Cardenas

Apnoia (Canada) Dir: Vanessa Payri

Behind the Wheel (USA) Dir: Brent Ogburn

Bleaches Spliced (USA) Dir: Garett Weston Thomas

Boxes Boxes Boxes (USA) Dir: Erin Marie Davis 

Byron’s Darkness (UK) Dir: Graham Roos

Caller ID (USA) Dir: Lucy Jones 

CIAO ANITA (Italy) Dir: Jacques Lipkau Goyard, Marco Kuveiller

Cold Service (USA) Dir: Peter Strupp

Colosseum (USA) Writer: Adam Jay Crawford 

Connection (USA) Dir: Gerrison Machado

CutOut (Japan) Dir: Yoshinao Satoh

D for Daughter (USA) Dir: Christine Zivic

Devil To Pay (USA) Dir: Tedd Hazard

Disprezzato (USA) Dir: Melissa Rae Bender, Liz Juhasz

Doctor with the Red Houseware (USA) Dir: Thomas M Watt 

DREAMZ (USA) Dir: Ade Randall Thompson 

Engram (USA) Dir: Katie Youn

Final Decision (USA) Dir: Brent Beebe

Fire Spinner (USA) Dir: Anthony Stengel 

First time in Buenos Aires for Jette Bergholdt to dance tango (Denmark) Dir: Joergen Erik Assentoft

Flash/Crash (Netherlands) Dir: Angelo Perez Lebbink

Gaslighted (Official Music Video by Banjii & Mayuri) (USA) Dir: Mayuri

Getting There (USA) Dir: Tyler Crosby

Gods (USA) Dir: Kipp Howard 


HELLBENT (USA) Dir: Enrique Fabian Hernandez

Hopeless Hills (USA) Dir: Mark A Cummings 

Hurt People Hurt People (USA) Dir: Gabriel Garcia

I Love You, I Hate You (UK) Dir: Sam Pilling

I Think He’ll Be Alright (USA) Dir: Jeffrey Scott Richards

Jonnie Sunset…. (USA) Dir: Van Allen Cooper

Just a Friend in a Burning World (USA) Dir: Michael Dean 

Last Night I Dreamed of Michael Nesmith (USA) Dir: Cindy Carter

Late Night – Luke Staude (Music Video) (USA) Dir: Colin R Neville

London Gangstah (UK) Dir: Joseph Karimbeik

Love Distance (USA) Dir: Agatino Zurria

LYNCHPIN: Inside the Business of Basketball (USA) Dir: Mike Nicoll 

Malicious Attack (Canada) Dir: Matthew Marshall

MEETING (UK) Dir: Martin Keady

METHOD (Canada) Dir: Vincent Di Lella | CLICK HERE to see award picture

Mines, Monopolies & Marketing: A History of Diamonds (USA) Dir: Sarah Layne Baumann

Monk Arsenije (USA) Dir: Svetlana Cemin 

Mother Ballerina Producer (USA) Dir: Magnus Christoffersen

Nightshade (Switzerland) Dir: Gian Flurin M. Bearth

Nomadic (USA) Dir: Kyle Sykes

PORTAT (DOORS) (France) Dir: Artur Muharremi

Quetzacoatl and the Magic Flute of Fire (USA) Dir: Eve A. Ma 

Quiet (Ireland) Dir: Hazel D’Arcy

Reminiscences (France) Dir: Ella MOUN

Requiem for an Ice Cream (USA) Dir: Manny M

She Sings Within Walls (Ireland) Dir: Bernie Masterson

She’s An Instagram Model (Kazakh Version) (Kazakhstan) Dir: Keith Orlando Harris

SNAP (USA) Dir: Vinay George, Kayla Gilchrist

Sproutland (USA) Dir: Cynthia Wade

SymBionic (USA) Dir: Jack Tenbusch

The Astrology of Pandemics (Belgium) Dir: Nicholas Snyder

The Call Out (UK) Dir: Jack Linsdell 

The distance between the two (USA) Dir: Carley Townsend

The green veteran (USA) Dir: Francisco Gacuya

The Heights (USA) Dir: Clinton Pernell Gasaway, Cam Cashaw

the Men and the Sea (China) Dir: Wenhui Xiao

The New Born (USA) Dir: Jorge Rodriguez

The Process (USA) Dir: Joel Shelton

The Sound and the Fuhrer (UK) Dir: Dominic Johnson

The Swallow (UK) Dir: Natalia Jezova

The Teen Who Eats Burgers With The Wrappers On Them (USA) Dir: Tyler Council

The Time Travellers (USA) Dir: Jack Judd

The Witch in the Woods (USA) Dir: Nick Hiratsuka 

The Wrong Man (Australia) Dir: James Lingwood

Therapy (USA) Dir: Chris Vielbaum

There’s A Strange Woman (USA) Dir: Kasuba Mukuka 

Thirst (USA) Dir: Patricia M Fox

Thoughtfull (USA) Dir: Olivia Rose Ramirez

Together We Grow (New Zealand) Dir: Jordan Osmond

Trapped (USA) Dir: Leonard Karl Badger

Travel Le Bilocazioni dell’anima- The Bilocations of the Soul (Italy) Dir: Flavio Piscopo

Trazzeri (Italy) Dir: Giovanni

Unconventionally Sheltered (USA) Dir: Austin Long

What Happened When Spunky Met Egotesticle (USA) Writer: Marietta Kosovsky

Wine and Fox (China) Dir: Chuanfa Wan