A Christmas Bumble (USA), Dir: Sky Belluomini
A Foretelling at the Dusk (USA), Dir: Hirokazu Fukawa
A Texas Trilogy (USA), Dir: Robert Marshall Tartell
Be Not Afraid (Australia), Dir: Philip Rang
Beyond Reality (UK), Dir: Tony Christian
Butzemann (Georgia), Dir: Jule Jessenberger
Cesare’s Palace (USA), Dir: Jouanne Roberson
Charity Day (India), Ginita Sunaina
Check Off (USA), Dir: Shereen Williams
Christmas Cop (USA), Dir: Joseph Payne
COMPASS ROSE & All that Glows (USA), Dir: Celeste Gersten
Crede (USA), Dir: Michael Gearheart
CRUNK (USA), Dir: Cedric ‘Cnote’ Buard
Destroy Imagination (USA), Dir: Chris Adam Abercrombie
Don’t Mess with Shiva Part 1 (Canada) Dir: Lorenzo West
Enough For You (USA), Dir: Justin Mawardi
Eve and the Master Gardener (Canada), Dir: MJ Politis
False Security (Mexico), Dir: Marki Henderson & Shavell Mcpherson
Father Filthy (USA), Dir: Dustin Tamplen
Handmade (Austria), Dir: Christiane Karajeva, Sigrid Friedmann, Ulrich Kaufmann
I Don’t Love My Mother (France), Dir: Gerard Cuq
In Suspension (USA), Dir: Mimi Garrard
Into the Reds Tale (USA), Dir: Alisdair Zhang
Kenny (USA), Dir: Stacey Stone
L’appel du Vide (Call of the Void) (USA), Dir: Kat Yeaton
Lucky Story (USA), Dir: Anais La Rocca
Mentally Confused (Georgia), Dir: Sophie Menacher
Metal Men (USA), Dir: Conni St. Pierre
Middle (Italy), Dir: Giuseppe Portoghese
Mirabelle´s Bloom (Norway), Dir: Liv-Kathrine Nome
Moonflight (Germany), Dir: Christian Thamm
Mythology of My Aquarium (France), Dir: Svetlana Gencheva
One Week (USA), Dir: Chase Siegfried
Paranoid (USA), Dir: Junda Wu
Pink Noise (USA), Dir: Nickole Klarou
Pip & Squeek Go Viral (USA), Dir: Rob H; D’Arc
Robot Parade (USA), Dir: Bruce I Lazarus
Rock of the Dead (USA), Dir: Diego Ramos
Spud Harvest Tip Music Video (USA), Dir: T. Scott Wooten
Table For Three (Canada), Dir: Joseph Chung
Ten (10) (UAE), Dir: Iliya Hristov Atanasov
The Brew (UK), Dir: George Barrett
The Clench of the Claw (USA), Dir: Bosco Kim
The Cyclone Song (Hold Onto Your Dreams) (USA), Dir: Alexis Rafael Krasilovsky
The Days of Knight (USA), Dir: 10-18 P Films
The Happiest Girl in the World (USA), Dir: María José Garabito Rivera
Tschäggättä (Italy), Dir: Waterwall
Ubi Sunt (UK), Dir: Natalia Jezova
Unravelled (Trailer) (USA), Dir: Brett Bower
Whispers of the Page (Australia), Dir: Indiah Clark